3D Animator/Videographer
4th-year Communication and Design student at Bilkent University, passionate about filmmaking, cinematography, animation, and game design. I enjoy creating short films, and animations, and writing scripts. I completed internships in 3D animation and character design at Backpack and Skyfect. My goal is to use the knowledge I experienced in that field and combine it with game design, animation, and filmmaking to develop myself.

Under Graduate: Bilkent University, Faculty of Art, Design, and Architecture, Ankara, Turkey, 31.08.2020 -02.06.2025 (Expected) / CGPA 3.56/4.00Erasmus Program: Corvinus University, Communication
Erasmus Program: Corvinus University, Communication and Media Studies, Budapest, Hungary 16.02.2024 -30.06.2024
English - Full Professional Proficiency
Turkish - Native
Sufficient Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, After Effects.
Sufficent Blender, Maya, Unity, Cinema 4D
Intermediate, HTML, CSS, Processing
Team Member.
Researches and develops ideas willingly, good organization skills.
Self-esteemed, creative passionate.
Good in written and oral communication.
Participating in volunteer activities & student clubs
Animation, character design, drawing
Cinema, photography
Swimming, ice skating, tennis
SkyFect, 3D Animator Intern, Istanbul, Turkey, Remote
Worked with the company’s game Puke.
Created population animations by Maya, 3D environment program.
Refined skills with tranisheep program.
Population Animations For Puke
Standing and laying down to the wall, sitting on the bank, sweeping on thefloor, two characters talking on the fireside.
3D Animation Tranisheep
Bouncing BallPendulum, Interaction between Pendulum and Ball
Jump, side step, walk, run.
A character bouncing and throwing a ball, pushing a box.
Animating a character with diolog
July 2024- Currently Freelance
Prague Film Institute, Videographer & Designer, Prague, Czech Republic
June 2024- Currently Freelance
Editing promotion videos of the institute and creating trailers for student’sfilms with Adobe Premiere Pro.
Designing guidlines, certificates, logos with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator,and After Effects.
Backpack Games, 3D Animator & Character Designer Intern, Ankara, Turkey
June-July 2023
Created 3D animations inculidng bouncing ball, idle poses, walk cycles, andfire bending by using Blender.
Developed sample level for puzzle game called Emergency Fixer by usingAdobe photoshop for character design and Unity for animation and gamedevelopment.
Bilkent University Career and Alumni Office, Envoy , Ankara, Turkey
2023 & 2024 Alumni Homecoming
Affored assitance & participated in the Almuni Homecoming event frompreparation to completion
Bilkent University, Social Awareness Project, Designer & Social Media Coordinator, Ankara, Turkey
Sep 2023 - Jan 2024
Organized activities, designed posters and brochures by using AdobeIllustrator. managed social media posts on Instagram and Tiktok.
Edited reels and short videos by using Adobe Premiere Pro.
Bilkent University Career and Alumni Office, Envoy , Ankara, Turkey
Apr 2023
Affored assitance and managed the needs for Crs Soft, Nurol Makina, TAVTechnologies, SEBÄ°T, and Commenics.
Arzu Demirel Studio - Animation Script Workshop
Sep 2024, 8 Hours
2 Nov 2023 - 14 Jan 2024, 64 Hours
Ankara Federal Film Academy - Dubbing Course
Yeni DüÅŸler Academy 3D Animation Program
7 May.-30 June 2023